PMB is a very performant software with several modules that help the professional to keep in touch regurlarly with the users : emailing campaign, information dissemination, documentary files, monitoring tool… The documentary portail is also supplied directly from PMB.
A documentary portal to better inform the users and valorize collections
PMB integrates a Content Management System (CMS) so that it is very easy to supply in content the documentary portal. Users access to a high quantity of informations that have been selected by the librarians or the documentalists: events that are organized by the structure, practical informations, latest acquisitions of the structure, actualities… The users can also fulfill a form in order to contact the members of the structure, access to the frequently asked questions (FAQ) ou consult their personnal account.
PMB Services provides 3 types of documentary portal in order to give an appropriate solution to each structure, whatever are the functional, graphic or budgetary constraints. In that way, every kind of documentary collection is valorized, no matter the number of documentary notices !
Users are better informed
PMB makes the communication between librarians/documentalists and users easier. With the emailing tool, a single message can be sent in only once to a high number of selected users. Some models of emails can be created for different types of message (for instance in order to announce an event, to communicate about an exceptional closure…). Communications are very well targeted : the users receive informations that correspond perfectly to their concerns, so that they are always better informed.
Librarians and documentalists can also create directly from PMB many documentary folders. These thematic files can be ordered in chapters and attached to a summary, but also spread by email, published on the documentary portal or/and generated in a PDF document.
An efficient watching tool
PMB integrates the watching tool Watch & Share : this module aggregates various sources of informations such as RSS feeds, external connectors (zotero, OAI…). It also keeps an eye on websites that are already registered into the PMB database. Thanks to this module, the professional don’t have to watch the websites one by one and they save time to do other tasks. After consulting the different news, they can decide to spread it on the documentary portal, register it into the database in order to make it perennial or integrate the informations into a press review.