Nowadays, informations come from everywhere : books but also e-books, newspapers or web-magazines, videos, websites, … In that context, PMB is always more and more innovating to let the librarians, documentalists and knowledge managers catalog any type of digital ressource and give access their users to a maximum of data.
A very precised description of multimedia documents
PMB can describe many multimedia ressources, no matter if they are physically available in a structure or searchable on a documentary portal. Each record of an electronic ressource may associate one or several files : a summary, a picture, an extratc, an e-book, a multimedia link...
Since it is essential to have access to reliable informations, PMB checks in a systematical way all the weblinks that are recorded in order to detect the inaccurate ones.
Always concerned by the ways the multimedia ressources are spread, PMB manages the different types of licences. In bakc-office, a licence attribute (Creative Commons for instance) can be associated to every electronic documents ; in the portal, an information about the licence and its conditions of diffusion appears for each electronic document.
Connectors for digital ressources
Structures give their public more and more access to digital ressources available on digital plateform (with a system of subscription). Regularly, new connectors are integrated into PMB to make the digital sources more visible and more accessible directly from the documentary portal.
Once the user is connected to his personnal account, he can see every available ressources, no matter they belong to the structure or to a digital plateform. Then, he can consult the electronic documents directly on the plateform thanks to a single sign-on connection.
A very user-friendly viewer
People that use PMB can consult, easily and directly from the portal, many electronic documents thanks to a viewer with a very user-friendly design.
With the full text indexation, users can search information inside the documents without being forced to read the entiry documents.