Documents circulation
PMB is the reference among the softwares that are used to manage libraries. Its intuitive module « Circulation » makes easier the different tasks of people working in libraries or documentation centres.
Subscribers management
The informations for each subscriber to the librairy/documentation centre can be easily and quickly entered into PMB. They also can be corrected at any time, with only one click ! The form grids dedicated to borrowers are very complete, so that the professionals can on the first hand get all the information they need, and on the other hand categorize the subscribers in different groups. Every grids in PMB can be personnalized in order to fit all the needs of the people working in a library, a documentation centre or a kowledge centre.
Thanks to personnalized settings, PMB respects loaning policy of each structure
Each structure is governed according to specific rules. Thanks to the flexibility of PMB, all the settings can be configurable. No element is left to chance, PMB adapts to all loan policies!
What about a broken connection ?
Unfortunately, a problem with the computer network or with the internet connection may happen at any time, that is why PMB has a function “Rescue" for the loans. Thanks to it, the loans and the returns of all the documents are still computationally managed even if there is no access to PMB. When the situation is back to normal, a specific interface imports every data into PMB.
Structures working in network
Each network of structures has it own management policy, that is why PMB adapts to every kind of rules (shuttle, common card, etc.).
PMB is the perfect solution pour the libraries or documentation centres that belong to a network. For each document, the name of the structure to whom belongs the document and its localization are filled : in that way, the circulation of books and documents between the different structures of the network and its subscriptors is perfectly managed. The settings that rule loans and reservations adapt to any network ; every document is localized and its status can be seen in real time (already borrowed, reserved, available).