Librarians, documentalists and knowledge managers need to analyze and understand the behavior of their users in order to answer properly to their needs. For that reason, PMB integrates several statistical tools.
Infinitly configurable management statistics
Every data registered in PMB can be analyzed and integrated into statistics. Easy to generate, the statistics realized with PMB can be very easily used to do a report to the Ministery, to the head of the structure or to optimize your actions.
Other figures, for example about the number of people visiting the structure or about the consultation of the website can be extracted from PMB. Thanks to personnalized statistics, professionnals improve their knowledge about their users and their habits.
When users sollicit the documentalists or the librarians directly from the portal, the requests are affected to the professional who can then follow their demands up (time spent on a question, financial cost, etc.) and edit a report. On a particuliar period of time, PMB generates a report : number of requests, number of hours spent by service on the demands, etc.
Analyzing in detail the efficacity of the e-mailings actions
With PMB, it is easy to send different informations, by email, to the users. A specific module of tracking allows PMB users to analyze the efficiency of an emailing campaign : for example, they can mesure the opening rate, the sharing rate, the number of clics and the reactivity depending on the users' categories. After a precise analyze of the different behaviour of your users, your emailing campaigns will be much more optimized !
A better way to follow the users and to take into account their needs
The module “Editions” is particularly efficient : thanks to it, the professionals can edit the list of the people who need to be restarted, but also the list of the current bookings or of the lectors for whom the subscription is close to the end. Thanks to this module, the professionals have a high visibility on the whole structure and can, in the same time, better take into account the expectations of their users and ensure a high qualitative management.
Automatical communications by email, letter or text, are managed directly from PMB.